If you can actually find it, you'll love this game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Persona 3 PS2
This game was discontinued after a few months so very few places are likely to have it. I was lucky enough to find it at a Sears oddly enough.

The Good
-Engaging Story & memorable characters.
-This game practically promotes social skills and suicide at the same time. Odd combination but it works pretty damn well. There's a reason for the M rating after all.
-Main character can use any persona at any time during combat.
-This game comes with the game itself, the art-book, and a cool soundtrack CD. Good deal for 50 bucks.
-Can choose difficulties. Easy and Normal are the starter.
-It plays like your watching a real Japanese anime.

The Bad
-Character 3D graphics are a bit dated
-If you never played the original persona games you might miss some of the various references. Ex. In an MMO game you call yourself Katsuya (:3) while someone else calls herself Maya.

The wtf!?
-Atlus games tend to discontinue a few months after release. I wonder why?
-I wonder if they're Evokers use REAL bullets. 0_o
-Main character is kinda oblivious. The opening intro kinda proves that. which is freaky btw.
-The return of Jack Frost and Igor
-The world will end in exactly one year...ZOMG!!! Its Valkyrie Profile all over again!!
-The velvet room is an elevator!? How does that work?