Why Sega only released Scenario 1 in English! It is such a great game!
Shining Force III is divided in three scenarios.At each scenario you can play with one different main character:
-Synbios for 1st Scenario
-Medion for 2nd
-Julian for 3rd
I'v been playing this game on a emulator since my Sega Saturn just crashed, and I only can play 1st Scenario by now (2nd never was officially released to english, only translated by fans, third still Japanese...), and I can't put the translation to work. What I can understand by the history is that the Destonian Empire and the Aspinian republic never had allied times. However, the Bulzome cult came to break up the peace between this two nations and bring a bloody war to this "world". What do you got to do? Of course... save the world!
Synbios is son of a great lord called Conrad, Medion is a Prince of the Destonian Empire and Julian is a simple mercenary who seeks revenge to kill the vandal Galm, killer of his father.
Your adventure will start in the floating town of Saraband, where the peace conference occurs...
GRAPHICS: Of course, not a game with "ultimate" graphics, but quite nice for Shining Force, a saga who always had simple, but great graphics. Remember this is a RPG and it was released in 1998!Old!It is 3D, which is very good.
SOUNDS:Perfect, as always... there is no Shining Force with crappy sounds!
Gameplay: Simple, and again, as Shining Force I and II. Of course this "Simple" is good since the player can have a comfortable gaming.
I just dream with a Shining Force IV, released for consoles and PC... If III was so perfect, then IV would be...