I am a Shining Force fan..its the first RPG I ever played.I was kinda dissapointed but this game is nice in its own way
Okay the review:
STORY 7/10
The story is kinda straightforward...Max is a young man training to be force.
He wants to follow in the footsteps of his father....(Radiata?? anyone) Soon his hometown will be attacked by fiends and he will find out that an evil dude is responsible for the chaos.....basically you'll have too stop the guy.A lot of characthers will join you in your quest to ehem...save the world...
The gameplay is simple hack and slash with tons of enemies thrown in......you will get characther on your side too.Since this is a RPG,your characther will grow with time,get new weapons and items along the way.The core mechanics is good but for old SF lackeys like me...it just isn't the same...
The graphics are nice...colurful and bright with a good anime feel.The cutscenes are anime too so its kinda fun =D....
SOUND 6/10
The sound is so-so...the music is nice but the voice-acting is bad...quirky and inconsistent...
VALUE 8/10
The game is long with an okay story and good gameplay so its good =D
Well I'll recommend this game...but be wary old SF fans!!