i tell you to think before you buy it it is boring

User Rating: 6.5 | Shining Force NEO PS2
i think the game dont make you feel the way you want . when i bought it i thought it is the best but my thought turend wrong (laughs)
but i tell you it is not so bad it has a beautiful story that what makes it a little good .
the gameplay makes you want to break the disc and never play it again .
when you play the game you will find the 1st levels easy to find your way in but when you advance you will get lost alot i tell you that and im sure of that because i tried it i tell you that .
you fight enemies alot stronger than in some levels you fight dragons each is 90 or 85 when you are about level 30 thats not fair and im sure .
thats all what i can tell you till next time.