the game isnt that bad, but nether great
Storyline 7/10 nothing too new
you are Xion and you recently get washed up on a shore with no memory, soon after your found by a elf archer named Elwing and taken back to the bar then several thing's happen there after leading you to have these daul powerfull ring's on you to become evil or good during combat, and of course, youll be using this power to save the world and stomp down on evil, that will invaid your city, when things pick up you'll eventually be playing like a dynasty wairror going though several tactic's and ripping through enemy numbers except that there are no gate's and your a two man army who can change equipment on yourself anytime, the only thing here that most people will like is the nice cast of character's such as Volg, a wolfman dual claw weilder who has a awesome atitude, Mao, a cat girl ninja who seem's happy usually, Ruyuna, a human preist that stay's true to her religion, and so on, there's alot of solid class's in these diffrent character's but sadly to say, the gameplay might kill there potential,
Gameplay 7/10 flawed
this game could have been great if only gameplay was the focus and improved on, its really a shame to because some skills in this game had very decent idea's of how to go at things but ah, it dosent and become's disasterous, the main problem is character skill's, the protagonist only has 4 main skill's and mostley passive skill's past that (which isnt a bad thing) but the other char's have 2 main skill's to swap from 1-2 passive skill's and then all link attacks, link attack's aren't a bad idea, but in most case's the link attacks cant compare to the 2 skill's or your 4 skill's that could have been done by the time you finish position yourself and set off the skill and this get's a huge downfall if you invested point's into it and your ally dies in combat not able to use the skill making link attack's sort of useless, another problem is the concept of becoming evil or good xion, again, this is a good idea, it might be even creative, but this is done to wrong, when you become evil xion you get a stat bonus added to strength which is about 15 or 20, that doset sound to bad but this will force player's to miss more then they should and make them rasie dex ignoring strength raise, which would have been fine only if the requirement's on gear (which is really a bit much more then it should be)dident depend on strength so much for a knight like xion, causing a few conflicts there, now this wouldent be so bad if good xion wasent of thrown ether, the problem with light xion is yes, he does get a intelegence bonus as you would have thought, but unlike str where one str equals attack 2 int equal's one damage for mage xion, this also wouldent be so bad if xion had more then just literaly one skill and a more of an attack sword to use as mage xion based on intelegence and his passive skill mostley all pretaining based on a knight xion kind of nearly making you forced to go evil xion to have a easyer time, another downfall is the leveling system 1 skill point may be fine bu getting 3 skil ponit's when there's 4 diffrent stat's to raise is not nearly enough and will show later on in the game, what really combo's it to a downfall is your good or evil aspect is depended on your ally you pick to go with, so you could have a chracter you like and want to use but it may off throw your build, creating a vice versa combo of mistake's really killing the gameplay, and finaly, the gameplay is a bit dull from having to invest in a certain skill or two while missing out on other's which i guess it is all fine since there just attack damage anyway, however dont get me wrong the gameplay itself is still playable, just to finish this long explanation, there's to many mistake's and it could really have been done well but for some reason did not,
Graphic's 8/10 mostly dwarn great
2D mostley dwarn models, there all done pretty well enough to consider it being great, the 3D model's of characters or monster's arent perfect but are also good, the only real problem is that i think the graphic's interfear with the frame rate during battle's a bit much but toher then that it's fine,
Music 8/10 decent
the music track's in this game are admitedly decent, a few might even hit epic level's at time's but a few might get on your nerve's from hearing it over a few time's it really depend's on your own taste, reguardless as a open minded person who's willing to listen to any type of music i have to say it's alright, oh, there isnt much voice acting in the game at all ether...
Replay Value 7/10 would have been better
reason's are, 2 player, using diffrent char's, and multiple endings then one extra highly tall tower to climb to the top, and a advanced mode to bring all of your stuff and level's to restart the storyline again, but the gameplay of the game will probaly kill it for most people bringing down it's points
final word's...this may not be the best rpg you will ever play but it still passes even with it's mistake's, unless your bored or just have nothing to do then i guess you would buy this game, but if your looking at other games then this it might be a good idea,