Shinobido is a game with some good points in it (non-linear storyline, level-editor) but also some very bad points. (wea
This is my first attempt to write a review about a game. Well, at least sort of.
First of all, i must admint that I haven't played Shinobido much. But i think i have played this game enough to say something about it.
As a Ninja-simulator fan, i have played Tenchu 1 and part 2 (birth of stealth assasins) way back when they came out. I was immediately hooked, because heh ninja's... although Tenchu wasn't the first ninja game, (read:Shinobi etc) the thing i liked about it was that it had a more realistic,authentic approach. (exit Ninja Gaiden:)
The 2nd Tenchu was building upon part 1(Thumbs down for daylight missions tho) by including a whole story. Then the Ps2 came out and Tenchu 3: WoH was released, but this time ANOTHER studio, named K2 took development over from Acquire. The 3rd game was back to basics ala T1 but it was nice. So when another Tenchu, Fatal Shadows was announced, you asume that this one will be alot better. NOT!!! Here where is Shinobido comes in. Well, sort of...
From the makers of org Tenchu, so youd think: Yeah! This game gonna rock. Well, unfortunatly it doesn't
Ah Shinobido. I have followed your development progress since the beginning. From an obscure project called "NINJA PROJECT" (early 2005) till now. Yeah, i was getting curious alright. After playing Tenchu 3 i was hoping for more Ninja stuff. Lets begin with the story of the game. The story is that you're a master ninja in feodal japan.
The game opens with a (nice) cutscene where you find yourself near a forestriver getting up after being unconsions. And not remembering what's happend. Duh! Not very original opening eh? After that some "mysterious stranger" in the woods shoot an arrow attached with a note right in front of your nose. Dunno exactly what it said though:)
Something about that your ninja-clan was killed etc. Then you find a shiny purple gem that holds a fragment of your memory. And so you re off to avenge your clan and to regain your memory at wartime. So far for the story.
The game structure is based around a hideout, a place where you can buy intem, choose missions and for training in the garden.
This is a nice touch having a place to hangout and this way you have a good overview of things. But now the gameplay.
This is where the game lets down. The thing is that its simply boring to play, thanks too the simplistic deliver this package too whatsisname or kill # people missions.
It really that bad, aftter playing a few missions youre already getting tired of it. Besides that, "killing in the way of a ninja" is by stealth. So as in Tenchu you can do stealth kills, but why are these so damn hard to execute? In Shinobido, you can execute this when youre sword blinks for a moment. And this, well is pretty damn difficult. BTW, The stealth kills are far less entertaining then in the Tenchu series. The controls are better then in Techu tough, the grappling hook works better (less frustrating) in this game. Ok, now the graphics, sound and the AI.
Graphically this game is pretty weak and no better than Tenchu. What's very striking is that the game's environments look all blocky and the same. Now, this is part of the reason why this game is so repetitive. One of the few good points of this game is the level-editor that comes with it. But at the same time i cant shake the feeling that this is why this game sucks so badly. Because while the editor is maybe nice for messing aftter having played the game, its also very limited in what you can do with leveldesign!
So, graphics are boring. Technically its soso (texturemapping, modeling etc) the animation is average. Thats at least thing they have improved.Horay! No more poopypants ninja"s! One remark, what's up with a fashion-sensitive (the player) Ninja? As for the sound, its average at best. Its to much rock and roll? for its own good.
Then the AI. Or AS (artificially Stupid:) Seriously, the ai has always been a little stupid (or lazy:)in ninja-games, (NG is not a ninja game!) especialy the Tenchu series.
Enemy's that cant see you if youre standing a few feet away, too stupid too open doors (Tenchu 3:) let alone shutting them) and when youve been spotted, giving up the chase real quick.The list goes on but you get the point. Now, in this game, it seems that your enemies are a tiny bit smarter. Still not the brightest, but the ai is slightly better.
"Final Thoughts"
Although i appreciate that Acquire made an attempt for making a ninja action game again, after all arent ninjas cooler then samurai's? Besides that, there already plenty samurai games out there. Where was i? Right, so although i appreciate that, there efforts too make a good ninja simulator, one that sets a new standard too, is not succeeded. Shinobido is a game with some good points in it (non-linear storyline, slightly better controls) but also some very bad points. (weak and boring gameplay, audio-visual department, dated feel) My ratings for this game are: