Well, if it isn't my arch nemesis, the pilot boat comes back with its own DLC, the 'Harbour Pilot'.
Well, this DLC enables me to play for the dark side, the enemy so-to-speak. It kind of reminds me of Half Life 1 and the expansion pack, Opposing Force. Well, my opposing force is the pilot boat. This DLC comes with four 'exciting missions' and naturally a new boat, the Aquila Pilot Vessel. According to the blurb, these vessels cost a couple of million dollars and hailed from the Dutch. To be exact, you can see them zooming around the Port of Rotterdam and funny enough all your missions are based in that very same port. Also, the missions were created in cooperation with the Dutch Pilot Association; and did I mention this DLC is for free? As long, of course you have the main game (otherwise it won't work).
As come to expect, the four missions are based around mooring the Aquila with various types of huge vessels with some surprises along the way. So it's all about good navigation, maintaining speed with your 'target' (so the pilot can be transferred appropriately) and piloting those big tankers. And when I say big, I mean huge (otherwise why would the pilot boat be there then in the first place?).
If you've completed Ship Simulator Extremes, it would be a snap doing these four missions as it really doesn't introduce anything new. However, if you didn't, I feel frustration may kick in quite fast as the last mission involves navigating / towing the huge mofo 'Latitude' (a 315m by 46m behemoth). I hope your maths is good though as when I say behemoth, I mean it. Thankfully the towing distance is not long however it can be quite painful.
I completed the entire DLC within 4hrs (or so). Quite decent considering however, half of that time is spent on the last mission (sailing / towing the Latitude). I guess you cannot argue with that as after all, it's now free when you purchase the main game. Also scoring a new boat, the Aquila, I cannot complain too much. As a sidenote though, I did play revenge to my 'targeted' vessels and refused to sail near them to transfer my pilot. Well that didn't go well as 1) the AI did not send out a lifeboat to push me and 2) the mission wouldn't progress otherwise. Ah, Mr Pilot Boat, you may win the battle but you will not win the war.