Its a so called "cool"game in my eyes.
Shogo features a lot of weapons which all are really cool.
Shogo also features playing as a robot or just as a human and these things make Shogo a unique game.
The action of the game is also amazingly good, with decent enemies and bosses.
The number of levels also improves the gameplay and value.
The graphics look great and the engine runs good.
It looks a bit cartoony, but that is what it makes good.
Strange but still OK sounds, some music provided which is good too.
Excellent, with multiplay and singleplay.
Multiplay offers a lot, but singleplay offers even more then a lot.
Good, great number of enemies and levels, huge weapon pack.
Online kicks ass.
Really kicks ass, when played over LAN with the number of weapons.
Shogo makes FPS good, just like doom or Serious sam.
Cya all.........:p