A swift kick to my sense of nostalgia's groin.
Showdown was either rushed out the door too soon, or Acclaim never gave a damn in the first place. I vote for the later, as Acclaim is no more due to some shady business dealings. Every feature of this game is buggy or incomplete to some degree. The create a wrestler is a hollow attempt to lend some depth to the game's pool of wrestlers which is deep but lacking in guys like Ric Flair who they didn't have the rights to. The wrestling action is abysmal and frustrating. The story mode is an embarrassment. Frankly, I'd rather be forced to wet myself in a pair of Khakis in Time's Square than admit ownership of this dud. Luckily, the Internet allows for some anonymity so that I might warn people away from buying ths crap... don't even steal it - it's that bad. May the ghosts of all the dead wrestlers whose memory was desecrated by being included in this "game" haunt the former executives of Accalim and anyone party to releasing this trash.