Latest Episodes of Now Playing
- 02:49:001
Torchlight II Replay
Erick and Benito show off parts of Act I and II in Torchlight II!
- 02:20:281
Now Playing: Borderlands 2
Chris and Erick show off some high level Siren play while giving away copies of the game!
- 15:13
Now Playing - XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Xbox 360)
Cam and Guy sit down with the Xbox 360 version of XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Can they save the earth from Alien Invasion? Probably not.
- 47:16
Now Playing: Tekken Tag Tournament 2
GameSpot Asia's Jonathan Toyad tag-teams Namco Bandai's latest Tekken sequel together with two of Singapore's finest Tekken enthusiasts and pros, Christine "Shiks" Lay and Lee Shin "Shin" Cheon.
- 38:41
Now Playing - War of the Roses
We hack exposed flesh in this multiplayer medieval hack-and-slash.
- 01:06:46
Now Playing - Torchlight II with Runic Games
Maxwell is joined by Max from Runic Games to show off some Torchlight II gameplay!
- 23:04
Now Playing: Persona 4 Golden
Maxwell is joined by Aram from Atlus to show you some Persona 4 Golden gameplay on the PS Vita.
- 45:06
Now Playing: Dead or Alive 5
GameSpot AU community manager Zorine Te is joined by competitive Dead or Alive player Daniel "Berzerk" Chlebowczyk to run through the nitty-gritty technical details of Dead or Alive 5's fighting systems.
- 01:55:485
Now Playing: Planetside 2 Beta (keys!)
Chris Watters and Aaron Sampson show off more of the Planetside 2 Beta, and give away some keys!
- 02:16:02
Now Playing - StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
Benito and Erick jump into SC2: Heart of the Swarm to show of some of the new awesomeness!
- 01:00:37
Now Playing - Double Dragon: Neon
Caro and Tom get thier beat down on with some Double Dragon: Neon action!
- 29:06
Now Playing: Okami HD
Maxwell is joined by Tristan from Capcom to show off some Okami HD!
- 48:17
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 Co-Op
Chris Watters is joined by Paul Hellquist, Creative Director for Borderlands 2 and they show off some 2 player coop modes!
- 01:46:57
Now Playing Battlefield 3: Armored Kill DLC
Aaron, Ryan, and Chris shoot down Gunships, roll in Tank Destroyers, and jump some Quad Bikes.
- 53:212
Now Playing: Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
Tom and Caro show off some of the beta for Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault on the PS3.
- 28:021
Now Playing - Natural Selection II
Maxwell McGee is joined by Charlie Cleveland and Hugh Jeremy of Unknown Worlds Entertainment to check out Natural Selection II in this Now Playing.
- 22:10
Now Playing: AquaPazza: AquaPlus Dream Match
GameSpot Asia's Jonathan Toyad and Randolph Ramsay beat down some schoolgirls in this Japanese visual novel fighting game mashup!
- 03:36:46
Now Playing: Planetside 2 Beta
Chris Watters and Aaron Sampson take you into the Planetside 2 Beta for a few hours!
- 01:55:29
Now Playing: Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC
Kevin VanOrd fires up the new DLC for Mass Effect 3 - Leviathan!
- 44:25
Now Playing - LOTR Online: Riders of Rohan
Kevin VanOrd goes on a journey with the Riders of Rohan in this vista filled tour of the upcoming expansion pack for Lord of the Rings Online.
- 01:04:30
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 with Randy Pitchford
Gearbox's ever-passionate President Randy Pitchford joins us for some hardcore Borderlands 2 co-op action, a chat about the game's production and... wait, is that a Mechromancer?!
- 01:05:59
Super Mario Kart 20th Anniversary
Tom, Caro and Brendan pop in the Japanese version of Super Mario Kart for it's 20th Anniversary!
- 03:50:353
Now Playing: Valve Software Birthday Show
The GameSpot crew celebrates 16 years of awesome from Valve Software with games like Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life Deathmatch and even Ricochet!
- 59:511
Now Playing: Guns of Icarus Online
Kevin get a hold of the Guns of Icarus Online Closed Beta and shows you what it's all about.
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