Latest Episodes of Now Playing
- 17:2720
Now Playing: Dragon Saga
GameSpot's Jonathan Toyad heads back into the 3D MMO action side-scroller formerly known as Dragonica, together with some community managers from publisher NHN.
- 01:01:13
Now Playing: Trials Evolution Riders of Doom DLC
We play through the newly-released DLC Pack for Trials Evolution.
- 01:03:26
Arctic Combat - Now Playing
Aaron and Ryan take a look at this new Free 2 Play shooter, Arctic Combat!
- 01:33:44
Medal of Honor: Warfighter - Zero Dark Thirty - Now Playing
Aaron and Ryan explore the new Zero Dark Thirty map pack for Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
- 22:0214
Now Playing: Avatar Star
GameSpot's Randolph Ramsay and Jonathan Toyad check out the early build of the customizable-heavy third-person shooter Avatar Star.
- 12:17138
Now Playing: Fuse
Dan Chiappini is joined by creative director Brian Allgeier to run through a demo of Insomniac's new futuristic third-person squad shooter, Fuse!
- 19:2566
Now Playing: Path of Exile
GameSpot Asia's Jonathan Toyad and Randolph Ramsay check out the upcoming PC action RPG, Path of Exile!
- 57:31
Marvel Heroes with David Brevik - Now Playing
The Gazillion team stops by with Marvel Heroes, and Erick chats with David Brevik about the game.
- 01:59:31
The Hobbit (Xbox) - Now Playing
In honor of The Hobbit movie release, Chris Watters dusts off the original Xbox version of The Hobbit game!
- 20:0856 1
Now Playing: Ragnarok Online 2
GameSpot's Randolph and Jonathan head back to the land of Ragnarok Online, now with a bingo-esque reward system, class specialization, and even more spider genocide than before.
- 02:02:041
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Now Playing
Kevin VanOrd and Tom McShea Explore the world in Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
- 33:52
Now Playing: Smite
How does a fast-paced, third person MOBA game sound to you? Join Zorine Te and Edmond Tran as they take a break from Dota 2 to check out SMITE!
- 55:06
League of Legends Lunchbox: 12/11/2012
Join Jody and Synthia in their ongoing struggle to improve their game of League of Legends.
- 41:191
Now Playing: Spy Party Beta
Carolyn Petit and Tom McShea get their feet wet in their first outing withe the Beta for Spy Party.
- 21:03
Now Playing: E.X. Troopers
GameSpot's Jonathan and Randolph enter the awesomely colorful, loud and anime tropes-filled universe of E.X. Troopers, a spin-off of Capcom's Lost Planet.
- 51:39
Now Playing - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn
Cam and Seb load up the brand new Dragonborn DLC and take a trip to Morrowind's island of Solstheim. Contains spears, rideable dragons and tasty health-ravaging plants!
- 09:4053
Now Playing - Strike Suit Zero
Guy sits down with Born Ready Games' Jamin Smith for an exclusive first look at Strike Suit Zero.
- 15:5817 1
Now Playing: NBA2K13 Wii U
Dan Chiappini sits down with producer Rob Jones to talk about the new features of NBA 2K13 for Wii U, as well as the process of developing games for Nintendo's new console and what's next for the NBA2K series.
- 01:02:37
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition - Now Playing
Kevin VanOrd shows us just how ENHANCED this new release of Baldur's Gate really is.
- 56:33
Planetside 2 with Matt Higby - Now Playing
Creative Director Matt Higby joins Chris Watters to make things explode and show you the latest in Planetside 2.
- 18:3863
Now Playing: Tokitowa
Join Jonathan and Randolph as they venture into the animated world of Tokitowa, the newest JRPG from the makers of Luminous Arc and Arc Rise Fantasia.
- 02:04:29
Battlefield 3: Aftermath - Now Playing
Aaron and Ryan dive into the Aftermath DLC to try and shoot dudes in the face.
- 01:26:522
Far Cry 3 - Now Playing
Kevin VanOrd and Tom McShea jump into the insane, open world first person shooter, Far Cry 3!
- 28:47
Now Playing: Age of Wushu
GameSpot Asia's Randolph and Jonathan goes all kung-fu and Shaolin style in this martial arts-filled MMO.
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