This game is greatest hits!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 5 | Shrek 2 PS2
Why did the graphics in this game recieve an 8? It deserves not that much and the gameplay isnt too good and it recieved a 7! This game is nothing like the movie! It has some parts from both movies even though there is a game for both Shrek movies. You fight snails' giants' chickens' and stupid things. I reccomend this game to fans of the movie and fans of really stupid games! Did I say rent it first in the classification? Well let me take it back. Don't rent this game unless you are a fan of Shrek or of stupid games like I said earlier. There is not even any pimped character in this game but Donkey is pretty cool. August 15(I edited my review

Well the game should be fairly fun for little kids. There are 4 characters per level that are playable and they each have abilities that are neccesarry to complete the game. Donkey has a super kick' Shrek can lift and throw things' Fiona can freeze time and so on. I will now raise my stats higher than I had them when I wrote my review because someone didn't reccommend it and I realize the game isn't really bad its just that it is more of little kids entertainment.