Shrek on Xbox is a disappointing game that should've followed the film, not to mention Donkey is missing.
Now before i get started, this was my first Xb-ox game and boy was it... well.. I'll explain. Shrek was a launch title with the Xb-ox in 20-01 and i decided to get this as my first Xb-ox game and i noticed several flaws that i will now explain on how this became a disappointing title.
Game play:
While the level layout is pretty large, i can't say the game play was not all that exciting. When your hitting enemies, it makes you feel like your not hitting them and just getting soft tapping sounds. I'm amazed on how fast Shrek can run. One other problem is that Donkey, Shrek's Ally and Best Friend, is missing and is not even mentioned.
Besides the game play being mediocre. The game's graphics are attracting, with the use of deferred shading. Shrek's character model looks just like Shrek and the enemies don't look that bad either.
Left top joystick for moving. A for jumping. Y for hitting.
Music and Sound:
Music score is nice for this game and sets the mood for each level. Sound effects, except for hitting, are nice as well.
Lasting Appeal:
Shrek is one of those games that does not even follow the film it's based on. I recommend you play Shrek 2, it's much MUCH better.
5.5 out of 10.