My experience is that expansion packs often disappoint.

User Rating: 8.9 | Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword PC
When I got Warlords, I thought it was a good expansion pack. I wouldn't throw away any of its additions to the core game, but at the same time, about an hour into a game and after the initial excitement you realise you are essentially playing the same game. Fine, that same game is a brilliant one, but the expansion is probably not worth its initial price tag.

Beyond the Sword has convinced me otherwise. The proof is that trying to play a vanilla Civ4 game now feels a little empty. I would miss the proper space race, the new units and the fantastic mods too much. This one is definitely worth it!

Very little I can point out negatively, so I will put in a personal gripe, for a feature I was hoping would come back in some form. Please bring the building of a Palace back. That one that in previous Civs allowed you to build it step by step. I know it added little to the point of the game. It was more of a side-game, but it certainly added a touch of personalisation and satisfied the little megalomaniac in us, that makes us play Civ in the first place. Given the graphic and complexity possibilities nowadays that feature could be really good.