Just plain fun. Recommended for anyone looking for a good lengthy game.

User Rating: 9.2 | Sid Meier's Civilization IV PC
It's just a great game. Good graphic, nice sound, great gameplay...there are not many things to criticize in this game. Either if it's against computer playing by yourself, or playing against your friends over the network, this is just a great game lets you have plain fun. Also, there's a way to play this game over e-mail, by sending out the information to your opponent's mailbox and he reads yours and vise versa. It sounds cool, even though I never tried it as it would take a lot of time.

Maybe if I want to criticize this game, I guess I could say this game can be too long. Especially when you and your opponents are occupying one continent each. That makes the battle quite difficult and could make the game very lengthy. But still, the game can't be a bad one because it forces you to play for a long time. Maybe that's what the games thesedays should be doing.
With all the good things this game has, this one earns score of 9.2.