This game takes a new turn for the Civilization, in a good way!
When I first got my hands on Civilization IV, I was skeptical. Could a game with a concept so old be able to still deliver what i want to play? And I wasn't to surpsied to see that it actually could!
I sat for a long time playing this game, and I could actually heard myself saying: just... one... more... turn!
One thing I do not understand is how American exists 4000BC?
Any why don't they merge together Civilization and Colonization to make an advanced super game? So you could break off from your Motherland and start a colony somewhere?
One thing i do know is that this game still has the magic that i found in Civilization 1, 2, and 3. Trust me, there is nothing like building an atomic bomb first of all civilizations and dropping it on every motherf*ck*r out there.
The game's graphics are demanding on your PC, and why, I don't know. It's just large characters on a 3D map, but the game lags if you try to play it on a larger than standard map.
And what's up with the soundtrack? I agree with GameSpot's reviewer, it sounds like something direct out of the Walt Disney movie: The Lion King.