Except for a few annoyances I have with the UI and a bug that makes some video skip like a record this game is perfect!

User Rating: 9.1 | Sid Meier's Civilization IV PC
Well near pefect anyways. It has every sort of multiplayer option, including play-by-email and hotseat. It's graphics are servicable and even above par for a game of it's kind. The sound is good and even allows you to replace it's sound with your own MP3 collection. What more could you ask for?

The annoyances are that I wish it had a good tutorial for newcomers to this game, although the instructions are definetly nice and the layout poster with all it's explanations is fantastic, it should have some sort of guidance in game. Also, while some stuff is linkable to the Civlopedia others are not. Everything should be in my opinion.

The video before the game begins is alright, but not as fantastic as it has been made out to be on some review sites.

I just can't get enough of this game though.