A terrific strategy game that is a must buy for any PC gamer.
Civilization 4 is a game where your objective is to win. You can do this in a variety of ways ranging from conquering all enemy cities to spreading your religion enough. You start out with a settler and a warrior and must build cities and expand your empire.
Along your way to achieving victory you’ll encounter the very interesting Computer players. These characters are all famous individuals that you may or may not remember from history class. They all have their own personalities. Some may be peace loving hippies while others may be warlords looking for a good fight.
The depth in Civilization 4 is unparalleled. Every single building you build has some sort of an effect on your cities or empire. Some buildings may have a positive impact like an aqueduct, which raises your city 2 health points, and some may have a negative affect that lower your city’s health or happiness. Not only that, soldiers get certain bonuses depending on where they are located and are able to receive promotions which can raise strength levels. The depth goes on and on, so you’ll have to buy the game to fully realize just how deep it is.
Religion also plays a big part in civilization 4. You must first research a required technology before founding a religion, then once founded your civilization can adopt it. Religions can make your people happier and more productive and if you spread your religion you can also take out your enemies from within.
Combat in civilization 4 is very simple. You click on one of your units and then on an enemy unit to attack it. One unit in civilization 4 represents many soldiers, this way the game is way less chaotic and it’s far easier to manage an army. Some units move farther than others and some are stronger than others. Knowing the units will help you greatly in Civilization 4.
Technology also plays a big role in the game. From the start, you’ll be asked to research different technologies to make your civilization more advanced. These all have different bonuses that you’ll receive when you research them such as allowing you to build certain structures.
The game has great gameplay and is very easy to control. The menus are easy to navigate and it is very easy to run your empire.
The graphics are great. Some of the best in a strategy game to date. The world really looks lifelike when you play.
The music and sound in Civilization 4 is also great. Not to mention the one and only Leonard Nimoy narrates it! He does a great job too.
The value in this game is through the roof! It’s very hard to stop playing….in fact the only reason I’m writing this instead of playing is it froze mid-game.
So if you have a decent PC I highly recommend you go out and buy this game. Everything about it is good, the only flaw is some minor glitches that people are having, but expect a patch out soon!