A good comeback!
But basically lets face it Civ2 and 3 ran straight down into the dirt. And now we finally get Civ 4. This game is freakin amazing absolutely all the things I was looking for in the other Civ games but were missing. Everything is much simpler the way it should be yet offering a very advanced strategic system.
I found that the tech tree was easier to deal with, the top-down view introduced absolutely rocks for that classic Civ 1 feel, terrian improvements are much more intresting and the addition of extra emphasis on the terrian resources was a rght move to make.
Tell this date I havent ran into any bugs so dont know what all the fuss is about running nice and smooth over here.
Reminds me of the Civ4 trailers : Absolutely Addictive!
To be honest another Sid Meir game to be played and rememberd. A must get!