Not worth a 10 rating could of been great but sadly isn't the case.
The religion aspect isn't exciting i don't like religion to begin with and its useless in game you can play fine with out it. Sure they have made a few Improvements like building farms and diffirent resoures to harvest which gives the game some new life but they lacked on giving us good advisors like Civ 2 its still has the best advisors in the civ serious.
I do like how you can select goverments in Civ 4 its a major improvment but when it comes to selecting a country your options are limited i only hope an expansion will fix this adding more Civilitations to pick from.
It was good they added a second choice with some leaders but i think they went a bit wrong in some of the selections you make for etc, America George Washingtion or Roservelt
George is fine but Roservelt? shouldn't it be Abraham Linkin? anyways there could be more smaller Civilitations added like Austrialia or the Swiss or are we just forgotten about as usual.
Well i wouldn't give this game a rating of 10 far from it and i don't think that there is a game thats worth a perfect 10 because there are no perfect games in my opinion. This game wasn't what i expected from what some reviews have said,for that i say Don't Believe The Hype because thats all this game is HYPE it could of been alot better but as usual they will rush it to the stores to make some money and not work out problems it may have Beta Testers need to be shot do you even play the game or just get paid to say this game is the best since sliced bread.
ive said my piece im Out!