Quick Games, Satisifying Victories, Mind-blowing Defeats, and a Nuclear Arsenal at your disposal.
Graphical World Map is identical to Sids Meiers PIrates! (released last year). Combat and cut scene movies need immediate attention. Game would not run when I first loaded it up, I DL'ed the patch, and game ran fine except for laggy cut-scene movies.
The sound and in-game music is fulfilling, many recognizable classical tunes, and a catchy opening song, from Disney's Lion King (similar, not identical) Americans speak American, Germans speak German, and the Mongols speak (do they have to talk when fileting everyone).
The game will turn off any newbies to RTS (turn-based), but for anyone who can sit for hours and play sim-city, C&C, or Empire Earth, this game will make you lose sleep. Nice tutorial to help you learn the basics, then its up tp your own strategy.
6 ways to win any given game
1. Highest Score (usually automatic with any of these 5)
2. Conquest (you kill everything)
3. Domination (you have 75% world pop. and land area)
4. Space Race (first to research spaceship, build it, launch it)
5. Diplomatic (the U.N. votes you a World Leader (vote between current civilizations based on pop.)
6. Culture (3 cities with Extremely High Culture) very difficult on higher difficulty levels.
There is always something new to try, to build, or to conquer, so stop reading this, and either go buy the game, or waste more time sleeping.