Simply one of the most addictive god sim games ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | Sid Meier's Civilization IV PC
This is my first go on the series although I am a strategy fan. Having been mostly addicted to the RTS genre, I was not convinced with a turn based strategy given the level of graphics and gameplay that has been developed. I was so fantastically surprised. A beautiful game which looks fantastic and you realise that you are in for a high-quality game as soon as the title music begins.

The game takes you through the tutorials nicely and the ramp-up of difficulty is just about right, although it starts to get very frustrating in the higher levels of difficulty but you can't blame the developers for that.

The tech tree associated with this game makes sense and it is nicely fresh to be able to win not only by a rout but also by cultural, space age and score as well.

Graphically, the game looks as good as any and the sounds compliment the game perfectly, particularly when you are zooming in on the action to hear the natural sounds of the appropriate environment.

Highly recommended!