Okay i just gonna due one more turn .......... OMFG !!!! Its 3:42 a.m !!!
Many Nations and races to be with different leaders which
changes up the gamplay dramatically (++)
Some games may take DAYS not hrs (--)
Graphics- From afar on my comp it looks very nice(+)
Up close looked a little blocky but my comp isnt the greatest so (--)
Nice Nuclear Explosion effects (++)
Sound- VERY DRAMATIC soundtrack at certain points in the game(+++)
Sound effects for guns and cannons etc. are very nice (+)
Wht else is there to say (?)
Value- You could literally play this for YEARS to come (+)
I think there are 18 different Nations(+)
Almost every Nation has 2 leaders which changes gameplay drastically(++)
SO MUCH REPLAY (++++++++++)