Great Idea but not great execution. This game just falls short and theres no reason for it. shame on them
1. The game ends. what i mean is that when you get to the year 3000 it ends. most games you have to conquer all the other players until it ends, not here. for some reason it only lets you go to the year 3000. now that may seem like a long time but why make it end? its just stupid. i would take the game back just for that but theres more.
2. The computer AI is pretty dumb, they will change government types constantly like they will go from a monarchy to democracy back to monarchy ete etc its so dumb. Why the AI chooses to go to war with you makes no sense. you will have peaceful realations and then out of no where they will attack and then try to be peaceful and then atack again its all done at random theres no sense to it. you dont have much diplomacy options with human opponets which is terrible in every way, the game is built around this diplomacy conceptt but you cant do it with human players? its dumb.
3. the tech tree is poorly executed and dificult to find out what unlocks what
4. can u say LAG! try to play online with alot of battles going on, its impossible.
5. $63
6. i could go on and on with all the other little problems but you get the idea.
its just ok. it could have been great but for some reason they just didnt execute it properly. Why they didnt fix the problems i have no idea. I understand its difficult to build this type of game for the console but holy $%^& you can fix the problems i mentioned. oh yeah and of course its by 2k studios. name one good game they have ever made. i dare you