world domination

User Rating: 9 | Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution X360
okay first off by saying, wow. This game will rock your socks off. I saw the video for this game and my first thought was, this game has the makings to be a decent game but not a great game. So i was going to the online store and saw the free demo, I was bored so I downloaded it. played the demo for about 6 hours, it was that good. woke up and bought the game. Ive been playing non stop every since. With that said I guess i will review it, Now you know how much I like it... this game has kinda PC feel but better. there 4 ways to win. I wont spoil that part for you though. You have to build cities, armies, and technology all the while there are other countries doing the same. You can go to war or you can make peace, up to you. During war, if youve found the technology you can fight with arrows, swords, guns, planes, catipults, boats, there is even a Nuclear bomb. all depends on how you play the game. My outcome is never the same, I never finish with the same scenario. Hope you play it, it is a fresh change in pace for console.