At last, a civ game for the console. One that highly exceeded my expectations!

User Rating: 9.5 | Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution X360
In civ fashion, revolution places you into a world in which you are able to choose your nation and thrive. There are 16 different civilizations that you can choose from, each have leaders with their own certain abilities. Once you have chosen your civ, then you begin and develop as the game goes on. You are forced into diplomatic decisions, threatened by your fellow civ. and are challenged to help your civilization grow. The game is extremely immersive, and move at a much faster pace than it's predecessors. The graphics are amazing, and the detail placed into the characters when other leaders interact with you is highly realistic. The game gives you a god-like feel, and is extremely satisfying watching your civilization thrive. I have played the previous civ games, and others in this genre. And take my word for it, this game is worth the buy. It can be played over and over again without feeling dull and tedious. Each time that you play seems like a new experience with new situations and battles. Overall, civilization revolution is an amazing game, and the name does the game it's justice. This game is truly revolutionary, although there have been previous ones similar to it, none have been equipped with the ability to be as immersive as civ. revolution. A great game and a must by for previous fans and new gamers alike.