Never intended to play this game but then I got addicted to it and can't stop playing it!

User Rating: 9 | Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution X360
Gamefly sent this to me because none of the games in my queue were available. I never intended to play this game let alone rent it but it came anyway.

I took it to a friend's house to let him try it out. He fiddled around with it a bit then stated that it was severely lacking compared to a full blown RTS on PC. He wanted to zoom in and out, he wanted to see more of the playing field. Then, he asked me if I wanted to try it.

Hesitantly, I took the controller and played a bit. Over the next few hours I started to get into the swing of things. Mind you, the last RTS I liked was Warcraft II or possibly Command and Conquer (the first two games). I had tried Lord of the Rings & Command and Conquer for 360 and just couldn't get into them.

With Sid Meier's newest game however, I became addicted. Though I don't have too many friends on Xbox Live, the ones that I do have keep PM'ing me to play BF: Bad Company, Halo 3, Vegas 2 or something OTHER than Civ: Revolution.

It's a nice simple introduction or re-introduction in my case to RTS games. The progression of modes becomes increasingly difficult but you can complete and win in a single gaming session (mind you, my gaming session lasted 5-6 hours into sunrise) but it can be done. I've won on the easiest mode as Kat the Russian but I didn't get any achievement points for it. *shrug*

I've won as France and as the Romans. Deity level is very difficult to the point where I've given up for now. I've gone back to King and Warlord modes. Nevertheless the game is great fun for me, very different from the tactical shooters that I've been playing recently.

Give the game a chance, rent it!

Unless you are a PC RTS gamer, don't rent it and don't buy it. You will be disappointed like my friend.