Civ 5 expands on Civ Revolutions not Civ 4 and the hexes change everything. A more fantasy TBS Civilization.

User Rating: 9 | Sid Meier's Civilization V PC
Essentially they kept the fast gameplay of Civ Revolutions and tossed out the slowness of Civ 4. There is less units, less techs, less cities. You build around 4 cities before you meet your neighbour's borders.
So why do I like this game?
Because I come from Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Wonders and Fantasy Wars/Elven Legacy.
If you can infer from the titles of the above games, they are fantasy.

Civilization 5 borrows its fun concepts from these games. The hexagonal combat and one unit per hex is the real killer.
Each battle is played out like a battle in Fantasy Wars, with tactical positioning of archers, soldiers and catapults.

ANd if you don't beleive me that Civilization 5 is fantasy, how do archers shoot across an ocean? THey have a range ability to shoot one tile.

Since I gave Fantasy Wars a 10/10, and it was released 4 years ago. I give Civlization a 9/10. A 10/10 if they gave me dragons and magic :)))