The developers have inundated the game with countless changes that range from a new graphic engine based on hexagonal tiles-as opposed to square tiles-to removing certain perks of the game, to altering gameplay entirely. There is no campaign mode, but in its stead lies DLC, the ability to mod and great multiplayer.
If you're new to the concept of the game, here's how it goes. You choose from over 10 nations to be their leader from a designated era, and simply put, attempt to conquer the most predominant cities with the bonuses that come with each leader. In previous Civilization titles, victory was only give to you if you were able to destroy all civilizations or if you forced your government and religion upon them. Having only to conquer the major cities makes it easier to continue playing and keep track of how close you are to world domination.
The gameplay is essentially what made critics and game enthusiasts fall in love with Civilization V. It's addicting to say the least because of how combat has changed this time around. Rather than winning by brute strength or the amount of points you have accumulated, it's all about maneuvering and strategizing. This way the gameplay has even higher replayability and is more satiable to the player. Even more so, there is more than one way to ensure success. You can seize victory by utilizing your combat units, the social policies you enact, or by research.
There is only one slight problem when it comes to the AI system. Once they arrive at your civilization's borders, they are certainly more aggressive than previously noted. This leads you to use higher military force with hardly any time to strategize a win.
The graphics are otherwise astounding and vibrant and each menu is helpful and endearing. The entire game is user friendly and it's pretty much difficult not to get attached to it.
Enjoy and happy gaming from Charlie!