I hoped to see something good , and civ. V is more the something good
I really love the gameplay at this game , even though being new to civilization series it took me a while to understand the system. You have many units , with many different characteristics such as combat , or settlers and workers . The settlers only help you to build your cities , and the workers help you develop your economy :building farms ,mines etc. . In this game more aspects are important like economy ,culture , food production . Another important aspect of this game is diplomacy .
The sounds are very good , the music doesn't get boring so i think they worked pretty much at the sounds .
The graphics are good , in my oppinion they could've been better , but in a game graphics aren't everything , for me gameplay is the most important.
Anyway if you haven't played Civilization 5 , you've missed a great game , and i personally think that you can't get bored by this game, i mean it didn't bore me.
Thanks for reading my review .