The ultimate strategy game...The most addicting game ever...The best PC game ever...One of the best games of all time!!!
User Rating: 10 | Sid Meier's Civilization PC
The first time I played the game, when I was watching the intro, I thought that this wouldn't be anything special...That was the biggest mistake I had ever said. This game is just perfect, PERFECT YOU HEAR!? You pick a tribe, command it and build an empire that can stand the Test of Time. You start with 1/2 settlers (I think it's random), and try to find a good spot to build a city...nothing special there, right? But when you start building cities and units to protect your city, a strange unit appears by your civilization. He is a unit of another tribe, and you want to figure out more about it. You can choose from the following: 1 - Accept them as a friend and sign a piece treaty, so that you can help each other destroying the others and stablish trade routs; 2 - BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THEM AND KEEP THEIR CITIES FOR YOUR OWN! I always chose 2 and I'll always do it, because I still play it. Then, you defeat them and you find out that the whole continent is yours...but then you discover a new land..a new territory to build cities and destroy more tribes, until you are The King of the World! If you never played this game, you don't know how much you missed. But if you're a working adult, I don't reccomend this game, because it is so addictive and you are going to stay home until your boss calls for you and you just say: I'VE DESTROYED THE ZULUS!!! An Instant classic that will be forever in the history of video games, as the most addictive game of all time.