Ok ship that spice attack that and what happened to the time uh revilution five houres is enuff of this fun game.
User Rating: 9.5 | Sid Meier's Colonization PC
Ok I'm a big fan of new and old and this is old yet still gives me a new and fun experiance every time. I love the game play insted of the complexity of civ it runs smoother aqnd easyer to understand with the same chalenges we all love. The idea is you pick a nation and traval to a randomized map to start a new colonial America. insted on focusing on war you focus more on econimy and soical structure as you build your new wourld and become indapendent from the mother contrey. The game can be vary adictive and houres onm end and though it might get repeditive down the road it still holds that fun spark you grow to love over time. Some aspects will become frustraiting witch is why it's not a full 10 but you will always have fun though time is of the essance at the taxes rise your goods will become usless in trade, so if you whant a fun loving game that will keep you entertained for houres on end than civalitaiont is the game for you also look ant the new civaltiaion witch is teh same thing just better grafics, but I will allwas love the classics.