Though Sid Meier's Pirates! does take its shortcuts, but it is so fun that you can forgive it easily.

User Rating: 9.1 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PC
Sid Meier's Pirates! is awesome. If you care about presentation more than gameplay, well it is not the best game out there. If you don't care too much about presentation, rather than gameplay you will fall in love with it. Where should I start? Well, lets talk about the combat. When you engage with another ship you go into one on one (one on two if they have an escort). You can dicide to kill the ship, or to board it. If you dicide to kill it, you need to think ahead with the aiming. If you want to capture it and board it, you have to dodge the other ships cannon fire, get up close, and ram it. You board the ship and fence (sword fighting). You knock the enemy captain off and get the cargo and the ship, if you want. That is just one thing you do. There is so much more. If you have the money, do yourself a favor and pick up this game.