Sail, fight, dock, trade, dance, repeat... Dejavu? Fun for 10 minutes, but lacking in any real gameplay.

User Rating: 5.1 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP
I played this years back on the PC when it first came out, and I was really hoping for an update. This is just a port from the old PC game, nothing more.

The problem with this game is that there is just so little to it. I mean you sail, fight, trade, dance. Over, and over, and over. Yes, there are side quests, like revenging your family, killing other ranked pirates, etc... However, they just don't mark up as anything much in this game.

In the end, I returned it.

I really wish they had done more with the combat. They had a great chance to extend and update it in the game. Instead you get the same canon "dance" and lame single dimension sword fights.

The trading aspect is cool, but gets old after a few minutes.