This game is alot of fun and a switch from the norm.It is a real great game,but not as indepth as other Sid Meier games.
User Rating: 8.3 | Sid Meier's Pirates! PC
I love the ship to ship battles and the sword play(especially the sword play).I really like the plundering of towns and ships,as well as finding lost treasure and ancient lost cities of the Inca and Maya and such.The courting of a lady is great and just that old world feel of the renaissance gives this game a likable and genuine feel.The ransacking of a rival nations cities is pretty nifty to.I do not know if any remember "Pirate's Gold" for the Se ga Genesis system,but this game is in a lot of ways just like it.Like I had said in the heading above,this game could or should have been better.It is like a Sid Meier project...except without Sid.Or at least without very much of his influence.For instance with the courting thing.The developer could also made it to where your pirate could have offspring,that would take over our pirating way of life.Also the developers could have had better trade or just a little more infuses on trade to add more depth to the game in case a player prefer the peaceful way of things ,or life.(not that I am very peaceful).Another" BIG" issue for me is that they(the developer)should have had an elaborate character creation process where "YOU" choose how the main character looks.Just as well I feel they could have also added a feature where a player could have his own pirate haven or town,and maybe customized ship building.Two other things I have a problem with is that the ball room dancing feature could have ben made easier,it's sometimes hard to actually preform so of the moves in time of the rhythm of the dance.The other is when sailing around the map time passes slow when sailing slow,but if your ships speed up then so does the game time in days...that should not be either.However when all is said and done the game is still pretty solid throughout.Although any of you who have played the many other Sid Meier games would note to that he really did not have much influence in the development of the game.....and if he did shame on him ,because in comparison to his other games Sid Meier's Pirates gets blown out of the water.