Amazing remake of an old classic
All the classic aspects of the game are back, heck there's dancing to boot. The game has a SERIOUS facelift from its old counterpart. Modern graphics look great here, but the gameplay we all loved is still here. The game is not even so much a normal game as it is a cohesive set of mini-games that allow you to do so much. Your goal is to become the most feared, richest pirate in all the Carribean, but it's more than that.
This game has the same great story as the original, you are a young man who is on the search of his family. You will need to fight some rotten characters to find their whereabouts, and you will fight some rotten characters just for the fun of it. You'll sack towns and capture ships, find treasure and share it with your mates (or watch them mutiny).
This is a game to buy, I loved every minute of it.