While waiting for an XBOX 360, I was hoping this could fill the VIDEO GAME GAP. Sadly, it doesn't.
The buying and selling of goods seemed pointless, Upgrading your Ship to the absolute best seemed only to take maybe an hour, and then you're just sailing around watching the same CUT SCENE after CUT SCENE of Sword Fights.
Many times the townsfolk would ask you to "Hunt down" SO and SO for Information....and once you got that information, somebody else in a Far DIfferent town, would tell you to "Hunt Down" the SAME GUY for more information. Why couldn't we just have beat it all out of him the 1st time?
Speaking of Sailing: While you could sail AROUND THE WORLD in a day if you were heading East with the wind.....it wouild take you 30 days just going a few hundred miles to the West, against the wind. Meanwhile, your CREW would starve and get "Crabby" with you, though you never find out what that really means. At worst, when you reach a port, "somebody will stay behind"
(Oh No, not that)
I declare Mutiny on this game, and I have no intention to re-join the crew.