An *less heard of* but an exceptional action game for the PS1.

User Rating: 9 | Silent Bomber PS

Silent Bomber is a very nicely made, and very addictive PS1 action game. It is bomberman in 3D which is rather well done. I played this game using PSP and PS1 emulator. This game is highly recommended.

--- Breakdown ----

Gameplay: Very nice and fast arcade action. You place the bombs and blow them up. Enemies get gradually harder, and so do bosses. The only letdown is the end game boss which is known for being one of the hardest bosses. To defeat this guy, i had to use PS1 emulator on PC so i could utilize 'save anytime'. The whole game is very addictive.

Level Design: Very nice, the levels follow the story well.

Difficulty : Very hard; especially the end game boss. A lot of people did not finish this 'gem' due to the insanely hard boss.

Graphics: Excellent graphics for the PS1, Smooth frame-rate and animations.

Sound: Very suited sounds and music for the environment. Nothing particularly catchy though.

Control: Control is fine.

Re-playability: Maybe once more when you have forgotten about the game, but does not interest much to do everything all over again.

Story Telling: Game has a nice story, but they could have made it much better. But still, original story.