Probably for die-hard Soldiers fans only!
(1) I loved (eventually...) Soldiers: Heroes of WWII
(2) I was bitterly disappointed by Company of Heroes
(3) I find Faces of War rather annoying
So if you loved Soldiers, this is worth a punt although the missions are much more difficult. This is because of your paltry starting equipment and the numbers of enemies you have to deal with. I also found it difficult to raid enemy supplies for anything useful; in Soldiers the mission stories made more sense as there was often an objective to find or capture some useful equipment to help the rest of the mission. Here, most of the enemy supply crates and lorries are empty but on the occasions when you do find a repair kit or batch of mines or a downed soldier with a panzerschreck it does make the search worthwhile.
Like Soldiers, you also need a decent PC to run at reasonable graphics and frame rate. One thing I don't like is the long(ish) load times (as you end up saving and loading MANY times until you get the mission right.
I would not really class this (or Soldiers) as RTS, more like fun sandbox battles than serious war games but for me the key word there is FUN but don't tackle it unless you are familiar with Soldiers. ################UPDATE###############
I am playing this for a second time and would like to add the following (also in response to the other reviewer):
It is true, this game is very hard with near impossible odds in each mission that can make it tedious. However, it also makes you THINK about each objective which is very refreshing and challenging. It forces you to break down the map into bite size pieces and learn new strategies. For example, as I say I am on the second outing with this (and have played Soldiers and all its mods to death) but just learnt a neat trick: How to disable an enemy tank with basic equipment: I knew enemy armour can drive over its own mine field without getting damaged (unrealistic I know...) but if you lob a grenade onto the field near its tracks it will detonate mines that will damage them. Clever eh? Okay I guess all you knew that but I only just discovered it and it is handy when there are assorted Panzers and Hummels to deal with and you have 3-4 soldiers and that's it.