Silent Hill 2 :If you have played eny off the other silent hills then you will know just how it feels, great game enjoy.

User Rating: 9.6 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
Within minutes of starting you'll find that you're playing something very special indeed.The introductory cut scene blends brilliantly into the action and for a brief moment you're not even sure that the game has begun.Allof the characters(including those nasty critters that you'll encounter) are incredibly lifelike with amazing facial appearance and movement. Some of the cut-scenes have that extra spit and polish appearance but Konami have been careful not to make the difference between FMV and game engine look to harsh.
The fog is very impressive too.You could argue that it's overused bit it's key to adding a 'what's around the next corner?' feel to the proceedings.Mist swirls around you and at time you'll even imagine that you're seeing things when there's nothing there.
Inside buildings things don't get any more warm and comforting - on comes the torch (again to superb effect) and even though the fog has gone the feeling of fear is probably worse than outside. As you venture into the apartment complex you'll start to realise just how atmospheric this game can be - you really won't believe just how eerie it all can feel.