Silent Hill 2 is filled with symbols of torment, hell, and sexual imagery, all in a lucid and surreal state of reality.

User Rating: 8.2 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
First off, Silent Hill 2 is a survival horror theme game.

What makes it so critical acclaimed by fans, is the disturbing story lines, morbid monsters, saturated atmosphere, decaying environments, and troubled characters. Unlike other games in it's genre, such as Resident Evil, tend to go for more violence and action instead...not to say that Silent Hill does not have it's own share of it as well. There is a variety of lethal weapons to use against monsters, accompanied with challenging puzzles, which makes the game entertaining.

In the second iteration of the hit, horror series, James Sunderland comes to Silent Hill searching for his "deceased" wife, though becomes trapped in the town's altered dimensions.

Through out James search for his wife, the town he is in, acts as a purgatory for the protagonist to be punished in, one which is a incarnation of the main character's distraught psyche. What the game does so beautifully, is the poetic and metaphorical connections between the visuals and the main characters trouble past. On the surface, it may seem that what you see occur in the game, has no apparent significance at first; Other then to make the experience for the player a frightful and unnerving one. However, the imagery actually foreshadows what is to come and insight into the characters past or more into the plot.

Another aspect that adds fear, is the superb sound effects, often they are abrupt and sudden; Especially the static from the portable radio, which you will use, as a radar for near by monsters.

All of this, is now for a mere 20 bucks, as a "greatest hits" title and I strongly recommend it; Not only for the cheap price, but for the engaging story too! :)
