One of the best Horror games to date!

User Rating: 8.9 | Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut PC
My oppinion is that this is one of the best horror games to date. the silent hill
series have got alot of critisism over the years about bad controls and bad storyline, but dont let that fool you, if youre looking for a horror game, you need look no further.

Gameplay: the game have a very slow pace, but takes up for it later in
the game, overrall a 8.

Graphics: the game actually look very good to todays standards, the models
are very detailed, and the surroundings look really good (in particular
the hospital and underground prison will scare the heck out of you)
overrall a 9.

Sound: the scores are perfect, it makes you start the game just to hear the
music, and the sounds are terrific, a few scares around to but im not
telling them, that would be a spoiler, overrall a 10.

Value: a absolute must in your gaming collection, at least horror fans!
overrall a 10.

(ps: to get full effect out of this game, lights off, doors closed, hopefully home alone).