Still stands as one of the scariest games of all time.
User Rating: 8.7 | Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears XBOX
I can remember when the first "Silent Hill" was released way back on the Playstation and what a thrill of a game it really was. The action, the gore, the suspense and the scares all came together extremely well to create probably one of the top 3 best games to ever come out on the Playstation. Several years later the PS2 and X-Box are unvailed as the new-gen consoles. I actually played this game first for the PS2 when it came out, seeing as how I didn't have an X-Box and this game wasn't released on the system until long after it's PS2 release. I could remember sitting in the dark room, TV on, and I was hypnotized but the game. It's bruality, but also it's sublities. The game wasn't just about scaring you, but putting you in a certain state of suspence and mood. It achieved that like no game had ever, at least for me. Now all these years later, after the movie was released, I managed to obtain a copy of the game on the X-Box and boy does it hold up well.
The graphics, even though they are slightly dated were extrodinary for there time, so even now they look good. The textures are ok, the character models are decent and the cut scenes are still pretty as always.
The sound is also no exception, the game manages to achieve still some of the best sound work of any game I've ever played. It's music is what nightmares are made of, the monsters and the voice work all form together to make one hell of a sound design. Some thing that Konami should be very proud of.
Overall the game is still amazing. Nothing has really changed. I've grown older but the game is still an impressive achievement to understate. If you have still yet to play a "Silent Hill" game .. Then what are you doing still sitting here. Get out and if possible find this one (as it is still the best in the series).