Poor James, stuck in this fair to midland world of virtual fear
User Rating: 7.1 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
I found silent hill 2 not a total waste of time with some good moments however I would like some tougher monsters and bosses and a bit better selection of weapons, I suppose I am mix of monster lover and military weapons lover, I have no problem with tough monsters as long as the weapons are up to the challenge, however a two by four will work for most of silent hill 2 how about going off the deep end with some fast creatures that defy the rules of nature and gravity.
However lets give credit where credit is due, great graphics and a cool story line (love the look for Mary thing) the music ok and the whole silent hill town being different thing is awesome with a bit of work and few corrections it has the making of a first class scary trip into the next level of fear.( I recommend playing in the dark.)