for the silent hill series, this game is a bit of a let down, but it is a passable game

User Rating: 6.5 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PC
silent hill 4 is a very plot driven game, the gameplay is quite boring, but the atmosphere is the most redeeming part of the game. Silent hill 4 has pretty much nothing to do with the previous silent hill games, execpt for focusing on a guy named walter sullavan who was mentiond in silent hill 2, you dont play as him but more, follow him as the game progresses. This is where the let down part comes from: the game play instead of getting progressively better gameplay like resident evil did through the years, this gameplay mechanics have been demoted to 1997. you can no longer carry as many things as you wanted like in the prevous games, you now can carry no more that 10 items on your person. this is more realistic right? atleast items still stack right? nope thats the seccond problem, this makes carrying the olny two guns in the game pointless which leads us to our third problem, guns. this game has but two guns, a 1911 that can for some reason hold a 10 round magazine and a revolver, they both suck, this game even has enough nerve to tease you about it, there is a room filled with guns that all turn out to be fake :( the flaws dont end there, there are also unkillable enemys and and a transport level with no commands but its time to talk about the good points of SH4. the atmosphere and story telling is great, and for the first part of the game being in you room heals. in conclusion SH4 mannages to be a good game despite its flaws, if you are into survival horror games be sure to pick this up