Scariest horror game made. This was the only game as of a series to ever really scare me to the point where playing....
User Rating: 8.9 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
Scariest horror game ever made. This was the only game as of a series to ever really scare me to the point where playing the game was no more becuz of how scared of a feeling I had to not play it. Eventually the braveness and fun and great story to eat kept me lead to playing it (suspense). Games engine and graphics are truly superb! The gameplay is rather wierd and quite not as fun as a regular 3rd person game. Its fun at points but it gets very old after 4 parts to the series. The game needs a new shift of gameplay rather then the same as I said all 4 parts in the series have had. The sounds in this game are very spooky just like the environments, parts of the sound are annoying but when it gets to pop-ups it's all good. Very worth it a good 10 hours of play, rent it but only if your planing to sit on it all week rather if not buy it. Summarize everthing, it will scare the hell out of you!