You ain't safe... anywere.
User Rating: 10 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
"Silent Hill 4: The Room" review (NOTE: This review is for the PS2 version only!) Written by: DawnClover Welcome to one of your worst nightmares... that turns out to be very real and a really cool horror game! Welcome to SH4: The Room! Or should I say: the best game of the SH series (at least for me). So, what's new in the horror series? Many things.. actually, that's the main reason why some people don't like this game at all: it changed. Well.. for me, it changed for good! What new features can you find in this new installment? Well: - No more flashlight or radio (yep... i just makes the game creepier) - More psychological horror (you'll be crawling in the walls with fear) - The sound is just amazing! Another good job from one of my gods: Akira Yamaoka - The graphics are a bit improved and more realistic - New battle system Well.. about the radio and the flashlight, i think the radio should be kept... it gives the game some adrenaline! The flashlight ausence makes the game look creepier, so it was a good choise not to include the flashlight in this fourth installment... About the psychological horror, yes, it improved, as well as the physical, but i think you'll notice more on the psychological part, couse it really messes your mind! The sound is BEAUTIFULL! Or should i say: terrifying? Well... Akira Yamaoka, as usual, made an excelent job at making the music for this game! The music is beautifull and it fits in the game perfectly, as well as the sound effects. The only thing wrong about the sound, are the voice actors, they're just awfull. The graphics have been improved from SH3 to 4 (i think the skin looked better in SH3 though), and the details are quite good. The new battle system was a very good idea, when using melee weapons, you can keep the attack key pressed, to gain energy to the hit, when the bar is the max, release the button, and you'll inflict more damage to the enemy! Very useful! (really, i spent more time with melee weapons than fire weapons). The weapons are more variated, specially the melee ones (you've got a lot of them!)! But... i miss the sub-machine gun. Oh well, hear that was an extra to the game, gotta find out how to get it. As usual in the SH series, the game as various endings and some extras to discover! About the story: It starts with Henry Townshend, who has been locked in his room for some time. The front door has been locked up, as well has the windows. Nothing works: television, radio, etc... Stragely, no one can hear your screams outside, even if they're standing in front of the door, or even if you knock at the door. Some days after being locked, Henry finds a hole in the bathroom that takes him to a subway where he meets another female character... who could she be? And what are those monsters that are lurking around the subway? Play it to find out! Overall, this game is really excelent, and one of my favorite games! If you like horror games, this is a must, if you are new to the SH series, i advise you to start from SH 1 for the PSX and so on to SH4, since the stories are connected, and that way you'll enjoy it even more! (p.s. sorry if there are any errors, i'm portuguese and my english ain't perfect)