ROCKS!!!!.....but it is scary.
Silent hill 4 the room....hmmm.I have heard of some better games but this one is the bomb
like crazy!I really want to play silent hill 5 homecoming.
But it has not came out yet.I have been seeing some videos of silent hill 5 on YouTube and
there scary as hell.I liked silent hill 3 and 2.
But those were not so scary. So if i were you,
I wouid save money for an xbox 360 or an
ps3 and save more money for silent hill 5.
I really wish it was for ps2 because thats is
what i have.First of all,when you start a new
game in silent hill 4.You wake up and your room is all bloody.Then when you go in bathroom,
there is a big hole in the wall.When i saw that,
i thought that was crazy!You were learn more when you play the game.
silent hill 1 was pretty cool but not scary. I say silent hill 2,
3,4 were the best silent hill games ever!!!!!!!!!!