A failure that only non-veterans of the series will appreciate.
looked like it'd be the scariest game in the series, and yet another great
installment. I finally bought it the day it came out! I went straight home,
popped it into the PS2, and started playing. Within the first 30 minutes of
playing, was SO ANGRY with the new controller scheme!! I thought I should
just give it some time, but the more time I gave it, the worse it got! I tried to
return it the next day, but unfortunately, the store clerk wouldn't accept it. So,
there I was, stuck with a disappointing game which I had wasted my time and money on. Since the game was now mine, I thought that I might as well
play it, again.
Not only is the controller scheme different, but you no longer have the
flashlight or the radio. There is also a limited space in your inventory.
Lastly, there's no nightmare world! This isn't the Silent Hill I know and
love! In fact, this ISN'T Silent Hill!!
After finally finishing the game, I realized that this is the story based on an
article you found on a newspaper in Silent Hill 2. So, the story is great, but
none of it took place in Silent Hill, so why not just call it "The Room"? That
would have been better than having Konami lie to Silent Hill fans such as