Silent hill 4,can't be compared to Silent 3 but is good at least.Let's look at this game now!

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PC
As,you all know I am tired of people bashing this game sure it had nothing to do with any Silent Hill game.It,was supposed to be named Room 302 but,the game developer's changed it to Silent Hill 4:The Room at the last minute.As,I said in the beginning this game can't be compared to Silent 3.In,my mind I feel this deserves a higher score then Silent Hill 3 why must you ask?It's,simple if you think about it this game ties in to Silent Hill 2 where their was a mention of Walter Sullivan but,you never really fought the guy or even seen him until Silent hill 4.In,Silent hill 4 their are two Walter Sullivan's one as Kid Walter Sullivan and the other one as Adult Walter Sullivan.This,ties in the game because when Walter Sullivan was a kid he believed that room 302 was his birth mother.You,hear that line that I said from Joseph himself the head that comes down from the room ceiling towards the end of the game.He,tells you that Walter Sullivan is trying to complete the 21 Sacraments Number,20:Eileen Galvin:The Mother Reborn Number 21:Henry Town shed:The Receiver of Wisdom.You,must find him his true location kill him,kill,kill..follow the Crimson Tome kill him...kill him..kill.kill him..kill..The, soundtrack in this game is awesome,the game play is very easy to get the hang of and fun as well.Voice,acting in this game is very good might I say,it really like your in the game yourself odd isn't it?Just,teasing anyway the game draws you in I,am still playing this game as we speak.Even,though I beat the game nearly 100 times almost right now,I am on 89 or 90.I,think in my mind.I,make time for this game even though I work 6 days a week 13 hours a day.Do,the math 13 times 6=78 hours a week.I,got all the endings so far Escape, Mother,21 Sacraments,and I missing one more ending which is Eileen's Death which would give me 4 endings and Cynthia's special costume.I,know that's not funny and all but,It took me that long because of my work schedule. Now,back to the game overall,the game is good at least for fans of Silent Hill to play and enjoy.I,recommend this game for anyone that likes Survival horror type games.Try,playing this game in the dark with no one in the room and the windows shut.Each,sound you hear in your room and this game might freak you out try not to get scared have fun!!!!Dad,where's Dad?I can't see your face.......... line by Kid Walter Sullivan at the end of the game last level.